You can see and download the Muscular Dystrophy UK Home Adaptions Guide HERE!
This is a great publication and we advise you to read it, understand what you need and what you are entitled to, and share it with your Occupational Therapist.
Often the OT may not fully understand your condition and needs, or how they may increase in the future, and therefore it is so important to get the information to them and enable them to FUTURE-PROOF your home.
"This site is owned and operated by CureDM, which is a registered charity. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The site owners and administrators cannot accept any legal or personal liability for the outcomes of actions taken by you in using this information. This site and its information do not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing, registered dietitian or nutritionist, or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment.
All items and articles are written by individual authors. The opinions expressed are entirely the authors' own, except where clearly indicated. We strongly advise you to speak with a medical professional about all aspects of the condition."