
Accommodation details

Local Hotels

Please find below some suggestions of local hotels which may be helpful if you are travelling for the ball.

You will need to check distances and prices to find the best deals – hope it helps some.

If you find a bargain yourself feel free to let me know and I can add it to this page.



As the Ball is being held here we have arranged discount Bed and Breakfast (and Free Parking!)

Double - £105

Single - £109

Please contact the hotel to book.


Premier Inn – www.premierinn.com

Travel Lodge – www.travelodge.co.uk


You can search for more suggestions, particularly bed and breakfast, on the following hotel search sites:

Booking.com – www.booking.com

Hotels.com – www.hotels.com

Latetooms.co.uk – http://www.laterooms.co.uk